Thursday, June 14, 2007

What Shao Qiao's name means

My friend, Vicki who is waiting for her "Letter of Acceptance" has noticed that they are arriving about every three weeks so she thinks hers and ours could be here the last week in June. My mom's birthday is June 28th and that was the day our dossier went to China for Jade Lin. It would be so wonderful if we received our Letter of Acceptance to adopt Meizi on that day too! I'm keeping my fingers crossed and praying that it will be so!

I just e-mailed our adoption agency to find out what Meizi's Chinese name means. Hopefully Tu, our Liaison can find out from her orphanage what Shao Qiao means. I think we should keep her Chinese first or second name and use it combined with Lin, as her middle name. I love Meizi Meilin Rose but we kept Jade Lin's Chinese name, HuiXiang as her middle name and I would feel bad for Meizi if we didn't keep part of her Chinese name also. Hopefully we find out soon what Shao Qiao means and it means something beautiful or special. I think Shaolin sounds beautiful and would love to keep it as a middle name or combine it with her first name, Meizi Shaolin Rose, it has a nice sound to it doesn't it;-)

Day 51 and no call from our agency again today. I'm thinking my friend is right and we won't hear anything till the end of June. Hopefully we hear something on my Mom's birthday;-)Sweet Meizi, you have no idea how hard everyone is working to bring you home and how loved you are already. I am so thankful for your Jie-Jie Magan (big sister) because of her, I wanted to love and raise more little girls;-)

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