Tuesday, June 12, 2007

e-mail from our agency yesterday

I was blogging yesterday when an e-mail came in from our agency. My heart skipped a beat! It must be our pre-approval, I thought! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! it wasn't, just a notice from our social worker that she would be off all week and another social worker would be taking over, and would let us know if our linking letter/pre-approval came in;-(
I was so disappointed! I'm on pins and needles, waiting to hear something! Something positive and good! I think working away from the house and computer, will be good and keep my mind off of the wait. I know the summer and time will fly by, faster then I want it to. I want to enjoy my time with my children, who are growing too fast. Our son Kelly will be 14 in August, and he keeps teasing me that he will be driving in a year, on a permit;-( not funny! Like I'm not anxious enough, after seeing how people drive. I think we are going to make him wait till he is 18. He is very responsible but there are just too many people who don't know how to drive out there. Scares the dickens out of me, sixteen is just too young to be driving on your own and I would like to sleep someday;-)

I'm dropping off the gift to my friend today, who is adopting a little boy from China. I can't wait to see how she likes the comforter set I made for him;-)
I'm tired of posting what day we are on, in the wait for our pre-approval! Please, God, let it be today. I went to sleep, or I should say, was trying to fall asleep, when my thoughts went to Meizi Meilin. She is in Guangzhou where it is super hot right now. We were going to sleep in a comfortable, air conditioned home and all I could think of was those babies and Meizi Meilin. I hoped the nannies gave the girls a cool bath before bed. Was she comfortable? I wanted her home with us so bad. Her life will be so different here. I want her to have all the comforts of our home and family and not lose her amazing heritage and traditions, that made us fall in love with China. The beauty of the ancient country. When I received Jade Lin's photos of her birth village, which is on the Yangtze River in Wuhan, I saw the most beautiful mountains, I have ever seen! They took my breath away and I wasn't prepared for the reactions the photos enlisted.

Hopefully today will be the day!

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