Saturday, May 12, 2007

Mothers Day Sunday May 13th, 2007

It's 12:16 am and it's Mothers Day. Earlier in the evening we went to Jade Lin's dance recital and as I watched her I thanked God for the mother who adopted me 44 years earlier, who was sitting next to me. As I watched Jade Lin dance, I cried tears of joy for the blessing of Jade Lin and said a prayer for her birth mother, who I'm sure thinks of her every day. Jade Lin's birth mother gave her the greatest gift a mother can give her child, a hope, dream and wish for a better life. Jade Lin's birth mother gave her this and the gift of her birth day. She was found with a note that said October 10th was her birthday and this was the only thing Jade Lin's birth mother could give her when she left her, her birth day and the hope for a better life. I say a prayer for Meizi Meilin's birth mother who must be wondering where she is and how she is doing. Even though Meizi Meilin is not with us and waiting for us in China, I am thankful for her birth mother and grateful to her for wishing a better life for her daughter. Mothers Day is a day to celebrate mother's love for their children and the sacrifices they make for their children from this love. Our dossier went to China for Jade Lin on June 28th, 2001 which is my mother's birthday and I first held Jade Lin on my birthday, October 28th, 2002. God surely had a hand in our journey to adopt Jade Lin and I am certain he has a hand in our journey to bring Meizi Meilin home. We have an estimated travel date of October 2007 and I wonder if the first day I hold Meizi Meilin will fall on my birthday. Only time and God will tell;-)

It is the 19th day in the wait for our Letter of Acceptance to adopt Meizi Meilin and on this Mothers Day, my heart will ache for her. I think of my self as her mother even though she is not in my arms yet, she is always in my heart and prayers. My wish and prayer for my children is that they are safe, happy and healthy and this I wish for Meizi Meilin on this Mothers Day. I dream of what next years Mother's Day will bring and see a vision of my self holding Jade Lin on one knee and Meizi Meilin on the other and my wish, dream and prayers have come true. I am complete, happy and truly blessed.
Happy Mothers Day

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